-ish - Übersetzung nach spanisch

-ish - Übersetzung nach spanisch

ISH; ...ish; …ish; Ish (disambiguation); ...Ish

Def: Sufijo generalmente añadido a nombre para formar un adjetivo que indica "comportamiento propio de" o "tirando a" o "más o menos".
* amateurish = poco profesional
* boorish = grosero, burdo, vulgar, soez, palurdo
* boyish = propio de niño
* brownish = marroncillo, tirando a marrón, parduzco
* brutish = brutal, salvaje, cruel, bruto
* childish = infantil, pueril
* churlish = grosero, maleducado
* earlyish = temprano
* faddish = caprichoso, maniático, pasajero, seguidor de la última moda
* fortyish = cuarenta aproximadamente, cuarentón
* girlish = propio de niña
* greenish = verdoso
* hellish = infernal, diabólico, horroroso
* laddish = gamberro, bravucón
* largish = bastante grande
* longish = bastante extenso, bastante largo
* monkish = monacal, monástico
* moreish = estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer, ser un vicio, apetitoso
* novelettish = de novela barata, de novela sentimental
* peckish = con un poco de hambre
* peevish = desagradable, irascible, malhumorado
* prudish = mojigato, pusilánime, puritano, santurrón
* reddish = rojizo
* shortish = más bien corto, más bien bajo, tirando a corto, tirando a bajo
* shrewish = regañón, de mal genio, bruja
* smallish = más bien pequeño
* stylish = elegante, sofisticado, con estilo, con gusto
* thirtyish = treinta aproximadamente, treintañero
* wimpish = debilucho, enclenque, calzonazos, cagado, gallina, apocado, cagón, cagueta, rajado
Blackish; Jack Johnson (character); Old-ish
Blackish; Jack Johnson (character); Old-ish


-ish is added to adjectives to form adjectives which indicate that someone or something has a quality to a small extent. For example, something that is largish is fairly large.
She is tallish, brown-haired, and clear-skinned...
With her was a youngish man in a dinner jacket.
-ish is added to nouns and names to form adjectives which indicate that someone or something is like a particular kind of person or thing. For example, 'childish' means like a child, or typical of a child.
She had entirely lost her girlish chubbiness.
...a man of monkish appearance.
-ish is added to words referring to times, dates, or ages to form words which indicate that the time or age mentioned is approximate.
I'll call you guys tomorrow. Noon-ish...
The nurse was fiftyish.



Ish may refer to:

  • Ish (name) also ancient Hebrew word for Man at Genesis 2:23, also Ish-shah for Woman
  • Chazon Ish, sobriquet of Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz
  • the Sanskrit for "lord", see Ishvara
  • ...ish (audio drama), Doctor Who audio drama
  • Ish, a book by Peter H. Reynolds
  • Kollel Chazon Ish, a group of married rabbis who study the Talmud
  • Ish-Blloku, an upmarket area in Tirana, Albania
  • Nowabad-e Ish, a village in north-eastern Afghanistan
  • ...ish (album), a 1989 album by the Australian rock band 1927
  • A compilation album released by Some Bizzare
  • International Students House, London
  • International Student House of Washington, D.C.
  • In situ hybridization
  • Institut für Seefischerei, Hamburg (international museum abbreviation)
  • International School of Helsinki
  • International School of Hamburg
  • International School of The Hague
  • International School of Havana
  • International School of Hyderabad
  • Intrastructural help
  • Irish Sport Horse
  • Isolated systolic hypertension
Aussprachebeispiele für -ish
1. ish.
People Like Us _ Hashi Mohamed _ Talks at Google
2. ish.
Rich People Problems _ Kevin Kwan _ Talks at Google
3. $1,200-ish?
Ritholtz Wealth Management CEO _ Josh Brown _ Talks at Google
4. recently-ish.
The Making of Sh_tty Robots _ Simone Giertz _ Talks at Google
5. Top-ish.
Spellbound _ David Kwong _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für -ish
1. The descriptive terms used for skin color run the gamut: "very fair," "fair," "wheat–ish," "wheat–ish–medium," "wheat–ish–dark," "dark" and "very dark." Family elders here commonly comment on a newborn baby‘s color, after checking out the gender.
2. "Ish!" he shouts (I‘m not sure if in frustration or excitement). "Ish, ish!" I want to share Beki‘s optimism, but I‘m a little deflated having seen the photos of the natural spectacles currently masked by blankets of cloud.
3. "Australia are notoriously bad at chasing 130–ish.
4. Breakfast: goat‘s milk yoghurt. 11–ish: coffee with Baileys.
5. Breakfast: the usual. 11–ish: coffee with Baileys.